Friday, 24 July 2020

Term 3 Week 1 Highlights

First week back at school for Ruru. We have hit the ground running and have got straight into our learning. This week for Maths we have been Learning about fractions and shapes. We also had fun competing against each other in Canta Maths. We have also been writing about the story "Where the Wild Things are." It's been fun working in groups! For Science, we have planted beans and peas and are hoping they will grow. You can see the progress on our classroom windows.

We also had 12 very fast students represent our school in the West Zone Cross Country race. They all did a fantastic job. A special mention to Peter who came 2nd in his race and qualified for the Canterbury Champs race! Well done :)

Celebrating these Awesome Learners in Ruru ...You have made a fantastic start to Term 3 and we are proud of you.

Friday, 3 July 2020

Wigram Primary School Cultural Day 2020

We had such a great day celebrating all of the different cultures at our school. I wonder if you know all of the flags in this video.

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Wigram HEART Values

Last term we started a wall display on each of our school values: HEART.

We finally completed the final three values of the school - Hauora, Explore and Respect.

The school cross country was last Wednesday and we all worked hard to look after our physical and mental wellbeing through running! Even though it was muddy and slightly wet, everyone tried their best to take part in either the competitive run or the fun run. Each letter of the word, Hauora, is filled up with photos of Ruru running on that day!

The next value was Explore.
We are all explorers and each time we learn something, we gain new knowledge about that topic and  discover new things about ourselves! There are also many fantastic New Zealanders who have different careers and their exploration inspires us as students in New Zealand.

Our final value is Respect!

Due to the wet weather in Christchurch, we had to think about what respect would mean and look like in such conditions. Many of us reflected on how we need to use kind words and making sure we do the right thing. There were some who thought about how they could have shown more respect to others when they are speaking.

We took photos and created a speech bubble of what respect meant to each of us.


Check out our earlier posts to see what our other school values are!